Your donation helps us! Please use links below to pay for your membership and consider donating to multiple PTA-supported programs as well . Together we will accomplish a lot this year.
PTA Fundraisers for the 2020-2021 School Year
We are super excited to announce the PTA's Walk Your Block fundraiser.
This event is in lieu of our typical fall Walkathon, which is our largest fundraiser for the school.
Fundraising Period: 5/3-5/21
Walking Period: 5/10-5/16
Fundraising Goal: $20,000
Funds will be used for new outdoor seating on the upper playground and outside the cafeteria area. Students will be able to take a break and a bite while being safely distanced.
Fundraising Page: Parent Code 5d5d8e706a5a0
$100-Clip-on Chapstick Holder
$200-Clip-on Sunscreen
$300-Cooling Towel
$400-Silly Socks
$500-Hand Sanitizer Bracelet
$750-Hydro Pack
$1,000+-Fitness Tracker
Top fundraiser overall will win a Lake Chabot boat party complete with decorations and snacks.
Highest Fundraising Classroom will get a to-go pizza party on the last day of school.
Most minutes walked per grade level will get a $25 gift certificate to the new Proctor Spiritwear store.
Make Earth Day Everyday! Terracil Pencil Partnership (Ended 4/26)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $50 was raised for Proctor PTA!
Terracil pencils is April's Proctor Partner.
Terracil pencils are 100% compostable and zero waste. 15% of sales using "PROCTOR" at checkout between 4/22-4/25 will go towards beautifying our garden.
Proctor PTA Raffle! (Ended 4/19)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $1,963 was raised for Proctor PTA!
The Proctor PTA will be hosting an Online Raffle with 5 unique packages to choose from.
(Think Apple, Douney & Bourke, Bose, and Lego)
Tickets sales will open up at 12am 4/16 and close at 11:59pm 4/19 so don't delay!
Tickets are only $1 each ($5=5 tickets) and can easily be purchased online.
Link here:
scan the QR Code above with your mobile device
This is open to ALL so please share with friends, family and on your social media platforms. Funds raised will go to the general PTA account for future supplies and expenses
Raffle winners will be announced on FaceBook Live 4/21
March 5th-19th - See's Candies YUM RAISER! (ENDED March 19th)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $670 was raised for Proctor PTA!
It's time to satisfy those chocolate cravings, fill up those Easter Baskets, and support the safe reopening of Proctor Elementary!
Click the link below to find your FAVORITE SEE'S CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES! All profits will go towards classroom supplies our teacher have requested for a safe return to the classroom.
March Proctor Partnership - Herbs and Spices Catering (ENDED March 11th)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $500 was raised for Proctor PTA!
Who LOVES amazing Saint Patrick's Day food? Well you're in LUCK!
Staying at home doesn't mean you can't enjoy a fantastic St. Patty's Day meal! Menu includes a variety of incredible options including many Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free, and Dairy-free options!
Place your order by March 11th to have your AMAZING custom meal delivered to your Castro Valley home on March 17th!
And best of all, 25% of all sales will go to the Proctor PTA!
Order soon!
February Proctor Partnership - Pizza Express! (ENDED Feb 28th)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $300 was raised for Proctor PTA!
Each month the PTA hopes to feature a local business partner, who will donate a portion of proceeds to the Proctor PTA.
During the week of February 8th - 14th, we are proud to partner with Pizza Express on Center Street.
All week long, enjoy some delicious pizza, and Pizza Express will donate 10% of all proceeds back to the Proctor PTA.
Order online here: - use the code word "Proctor" when you check out.
Phone in orders to (510) 886-3466 - mention Proctor at the time of your order.
Pizza Express is ALWAYS delicious, but tastes even better when it helps our Proctor Community too!
Double Good Popcorn Virtual Fundraiser - (ENDED Feb 5th)
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! $7,820.50 was raised for Proctor PTA!
Thank you Proctor community for supporting our Virtual Popcorn Fundraiser!
We haven't seen this level of buzz and excitement around a fundraiser since the walk-a-thons of years past!
In just over 4 days, you and your networks purchased nearly $16,000 in POPCORN! That means approximately $8,000 was generated for our school PTA, which by far exceeded our goal.
A special congratulations to the top classroom, Room 15 (Mrs Traski) who generated $3,606 in sales. Another congratulations to Room 19/P-5 (Mrs Utsumi) who came in just behind with $3,549 in sales. There was a mad flurry of purchases right up to the very end! Both of the top-2 classrooms will be rewarded with a special prize, but the big winner was the entire Proctor Community who really stepped up with some amazing outreach and support!
Scholastic Virtual Book Fair
Our school’s Book Fair is going online November 27 through December 10! Stock up on great books, support our school, and get some holiday shopping done while you are at it!
Visit our Online Book Fair here:
The fair features a Virtual Fair walk-through so you and your kids can experience the magic of the fair shopping experience from the comfort of your home. Browse titles by grade, meet popular authors, and much more! You can also browse books through the Virtual Flyer by clicking here.
All purchases benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!). Books ship direct to your home and book-only orders over $25 ship free. Order as early as possible to get books delivered before December 25!
You Tube Video:
Thank you to everyone who donated shoes for our fundraiser! We collect 2,781 pairs of shoes crushing our goal!
Below are the results by class. Thank you all for your participation.
Proctor pride is standing in unity to support people of all identity, race and experience. Show your pride by purchasing a #PUAH shirt for yourself or someone you know shares that sentiment. Sizes available in youth, women and men.
Together we can make real strides toward a more inclusive school and community for our students!
All funds raised from the sales of these shirts will be earmarked by the PTA for cultural educational and training supplies for Proctor Elementary School.
Don't forget to post your shirt in action using #ProctorUnitedAgainstHate
Box Tops
Buy, Scan, Earn!
No more clipping. Just shop, scan your receipt and watch the earnings grow! Our goal for this school year is $2,000.00!!
Two simple ways to sign up so YOU can earn for Proctor:
1. Create an account online
2. Get the App on your mobile device
Search for Proctor Elementary School or use our school referral code (CWMA2CH7) to connect your scanned Box Tops to Proctor. You can even share this referral code to invite friends and family to help our school by scanning their receipts. Still sheltering in can even earn on your online purchases. This will take approximately 2 minutes.
Amazon Smile!
Do you use Amazon for some of your shopping? By using Amazon Smile you can select Proctor PTA as the charitable organization to receive a portion of your purchases.
About Amazon Smile:
Earn money for your school by just shopping.
From your desktop visit or just click on the amazon picture above. Or...
Get the App on your mobile device by following these simple instructions: